4m x 4m DIY Marquees and Party Tents

It’s true that DIY Marquees has the largest range of marquees for sale, which is ideal as there is a product for everyone. Visiting the website, you will notice the interactive marquee planner tool, which helps you experiment with the different size marquee. With this too you can test what will fit into the area that you have to work with as well as how you can make simple additions to the plan, to increase the size, join more than 1 party tent, or marquee and which accessories are available. The interactive planner is the first page to visit when you are choosing what type of marquee to buy.

4x4m peaked commercial diy marquee

When it comes to the type of marquee would be most suitable, it is good to understand the difference in type of marquee and the materials used. Our 4m marquees range come in 2 different types: party tents and marquees. The term party tent is used around the world to describe a marquee, which is better suited for personal or private use. The material used for the party tent is made from a lighter weight material, typically PE (Polyethylene), a tarpaulin like material that comes in 80 to 240 grams per square meter, (the thicker the material the hardier and heavier it is) , or poly/PVC which consists of PVC however coated on just 1 side of the material and is a good alternative to the more expensive PVC marquees. PE for a party tent is perfect as it’s more economic than a heavy-duty marquee, which are really, only meant for use for commercial purposes. PE is 100% waterproof and its significantly lighter weigh means that it is quicker to erect (see our 4 x 4m pop-up gazebo marquee) making this type of marquee ideal for garden parties, as temporary structures and extensions that you can add to an existing structure.

4x4m premium diy marquee

DIY Marquees has seven types of 4 x 4m products in this range, 3 of which are suitable for the private user. For those who are interested in investing in a marquee with extra strength and durability, in the same range of 4 x 4m marquees are commercial and professional options made from PVC instead of PE, which means the integrity of the material, offers more strength for frequent use. The 4 x 4 commercial marquee is also available with a peaked-shaped roof that adds some flare to your standard commercial marquee. Both of these styles are however made with 500gsm PVC and come with a galvanized steel framework made from 42mm thick steel. This is an excellent 3 / 4 season option for any commercial user. (Do not forget to add some cross bracing for extreme weather!)

DIY Marquees is always creating new options from which users can find the ideal option for them. If you have already experimented with the interactive online planner and have questions for the team about how to optimize your layout, feel free to contact us to help you with ideas. Please call our office on 01306 876767.

IBS supply a range of dense conveying equipment

HomeLooking to significantly improve the pneumatic conveying systems for your business? IBS Industrial Blower Systems can offer you solutions that improve overall efficiency and reduces wear and tear on your equipment. What makes IBS such a success as a business, is the depth and understanding that their engineers have of the countless applications, functions and solutions provided by the products that they sell, service, repair, recondition for basically any production, manufacturing or industrial environment imaginable. At the end of the day, it comes down to excellent service, reliable products and a blend of customer service and practical application at competitive prices and being physically able to provide all of this, all the time.

While best known for being suppliers of vacuum pumps, blowers and similar equipment such as compressors, those use in the road tanker industry, or rotary valves most commonly in the food industry, IBS has extended their range to include dense conveying equipment and systems to accommodate the needs of industries such as milling, environmental, chemical and building industries. It is fair to say that while the application of dilute phase systems, widely accepted as being more economical and simpler in application, is a limited application when compared to dense phase systems. Where there is a requirement to move a denser product or concentration of fragile, abrasive or friable materials, the dense phase pneumatic system, such as the Gvf impianti range available from IBS, is undoubtedly more efficient. The ability to move bulk product, while preserving the integrity of the product, at low velocity with high pressure, results in higher industrial efficiency, with less wear and tear on the system, reducing the cost of system maintenance.

Speak to IBS process engineers who can perform a full survey, complete with reports and plans which will provide you with a full choice of relevant and practical options which will assist you in designing the best system, relevant to your business’s needs.

Over the last decade, the use of dense conveyancing systems and industrial mixing equipment has seen a sharp rise in utilisation in the fast paced FMCG environment, especially due to developments made in this industry resulting from the sharp rise in demand for packaged and pre-prepared goods. In a world that is itself, fast moving, keeping up with consumer demand requires innovation, effectiveness and efficiency. Well-known manufacturers of industrial mixing equipment, Mix srl and Olocco company, consistently meet industry’s demand for products which can sustain the high volumes of materials, with high quality equipment which does not suffer easily from wear and tear.

IBS has been supporting industry by providing them with reliable new and reconditioned equipment that is the bedrock of the reputation that has sustained IBS over many decades. Variety and application, versatility and consistency are what one comes to expect from IBS, sustained by engineering expertise that combines to create a powerful blend that can be relied upon, not only for new systems but also for the maintenance of existing systems. Site visits can be arranged for surveys and planning related to new projects, or alternatively project engineers are available telephonically to discuss your dense phase pneumatic conveying needs.

Lodge Brothers serving the community for over 240 years

All across England people are being required to stay home. Funeral ceremonies may only be allow limited attendance and those who do attend must still follow all Covid health instructions with regards to social distancing, wearing of masks and sanitizing. The funeral industry has been thrown into turmoil at the result of the pandemic and Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors Teddington are following government guidance on managing a funeral in England, during this coronavirus pandemic.

This short explanation from Lodge Brother explains what can be expected if you need to arrange a funeral, and will help you to understand how funerals have changed over this period.

Funeral attendance is limited to 30 people or less, this is for funerals both indoors as well as outdoors. Should you hold an event which is not a funeral per say, but is a belief-based or commemorative event, only 15 people may attend, whether it be indoors or outdoors. Lodge Brothers funeral directors Roehampton recommends that funerals by invitation only, thereby controlling the numbers of attendees to within permissible limits and ensuring that close family and friends gain preferential access to the funeral.

In line with the government guidelines, our funeral events are held in Covid secure venues that have been through thorough health and safety risk assessments, ensuring that all risks regarding the coronavirus are mitigated and limited.

In the event that your loved one has passed from covid-related complications, family members who have been in contact with the deceased must remain in isolation for the prescribed amount of time and personal attendance to the funeral is not permitted. Remote attendance is the alternative to curb the potential spreading of the virus and placing other family members in harm’s way.

Government guidelines state that funerals should not be delayed in order to accommodate family members finishing isolation. This is hardest on loved ones left behind to accept however, Lodge Brothers funeral directors Slough will make all of the relevant arrangements and alleviate you from any additional and undue stress resulting from the difficult circumstances that you are already facing. It is a well-known fact that funerals are a vital part of the grieving process however priority must remain on contain the disease, in order to ensure that no one suffers unnecessarily and becomes ill themselves, placing their own lives in danger as well. Families need their members who are covid free, to stay that way so that life can carry on as best physically possible under these trying circumstances.

Family members and friends who are not part of the family bubble who wish to travel in order to attend the funeral, should chose to stay in a hotel or guest house where they will not be exposed to other family members who may be isolating or in quarantine.

All mourners must follow covid rules and remain compliant to those rules throughout the event. Funerals can be held in a shorter period, or in rotation, so that respects can still be paid to the deceased yet in a safe environment.

IBS serving the industry for 30 years

Since the beginning of the First Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century Britain has been a global giant in the production and manufacturing industries and is also where the beginning of the blower industry began, with the use water and steam power to mechanise many functions, replacing man and animal power with displacement and energy power to grow facilitate the development an industrialised and urban society.

While Liquid ring Vacuum pumps, blowers and pumps may not have kept up with likes of information technology into the global industrial evolution, it is our belief that these so-called primitive technologies are as relevant as ever, across the UK.

The mechanics of these simple yet effective machineries serve to fulfil a significant number of activities associated with modern industry… So, we say, if it is not broke, don’t fix it! However, if you do find your blower, vacuum or pump IS in need of repair, you know exactly where to come! IBS is not only in the business of selling new units but are acutely interested in helping you maintain and repair your industrial equipment, so that you can keep on making good use of your displacement equipment well into the future.

Times can be tough and economic fluctuations impact on the business of business. Production requirements can slow down at certain times in the year and increase at other times, to meet demands of your clients. From time to time, the economy can bring a business to its knees. Therefore, if you find yourself down there, IBS has a solid solution to help you carry on carrying on.

RVS Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

Here are some alternative options you can chose to implement in your business:

Hiring – IBS as the largest stock of product for hire on a temporary or on-going basis. In the event that you are faced with an unexpected failing of your current equipment, there is a value-for-money alternative.

Repairs – IBS’s experienced engineers are able to trouble-shoot any problems that may arise with your units, resulting in a shutdown or breakages. We can come to you or you can drop your equipment off so that we can investigate and see what options we can offer in terms of repairs.

Reconditioning – Often times the products, themselves are of such high quality, you many do not expect to have to repair them. Sometimes, it is just a case of reconditioning of components to get them up and running again. IBS also stocks and supplies spare parts and ancillaries for nearly all types of blower sets, vacuum pumps and systems.

Servicing – Undoubtable one of the most important aspects of a functioning industrial business is planning and preventive maintenance. A large aspect of this includes regular servicing of your equipment which IBS can service most roots type blower makes and models right there on-site.

All of these interventions will save your money by increasing the lifespan of your equipment and reducing unexpected downtime and resultant loss of production. Partnering with IBS Industrial Blower Services gives you access to the expertise and experience of our engineering professional who are able to provide with relevant solutions for your production, within your specific pricing bracket.

Speak to us about keeping downtime to a minimum for all your Blower Spares and Ancillaries

Dukes of Daisy Non-Sexual Escorts since 2013

Escort agencies have been around since almost the beginning of time and so too has the human need for companionship. From before birth humans connect to the voices of their mothers and fathers and after birth, the human baby is 100% dependent on its family for survival. As the human baby grows older, they start to become social being and socialising becomes one of the most important aspects of a thriving child, along with food, shelter, safety and other such fundamentals required for survival. As the human child becomes a human teenager, hormones increase and companionship becomes of utmost importance.

Rent a Friend USA

The human need for social interacting is so strong that without the loving touch of a parent, it is known that a baby, despite having all its other needs met, will stop growing and left totally without touch, may even die. Its no wonder that Escort agencies have been around since the beginning of time. Connectivity, companionship and contact are vital to life!

Not everyone who is looking for connection, is looking for just a physical relationship. Just as important to any relationship, is companionship of a non-sexual kind. People and situations change as human beings develop and journey through their lives and during these different stages of life, a person may reach out for different things … sometimes all we need is simply not to be alone to make everything right in the world again.

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Rent a friend male non-sexual escorts can be hand picked to match your exact requirements. Whereas the usual approach of “spray and pray” or waiting for the universe to show you a sign, is one way to go, we believe that the universe rewards action. Simply by going online to see who is out there will help you to define what it is exactly that you are looking for in a companion. Its not as if you can walk into a pub and walk up to an individual and read their likes, dislikes, passions and hobbies on a piece of paper attached to their shoulders. When meeting people in person you must first take the time to figure all these things out, which may leave you feeling like you have wasted your time with someone who just isn’t your cup of tea and has absolutely nothing in common with you. Sometimes this process can take months, by which time you have invested time and money, so when you realise that there is nothing holding you to the other person, time has flown, and you have missed the chance to meet someone who is exactly right up your alley!

Don’t miss your chance and don’t waste time on someone who isn’t a good match for you. Rent a friend companies offer all of their likes and dislikes up-front so that you know exactly what you are getting when you commit to this companion dating service. Non-sexual female escorts can provide companionships for any event, whether you are a thrill-seeking extrovert or a home-body introvert, there is a perfectly suited companion waiting to hear from you.

Knowall IT West London Business Award 2020 finalist for best business services company of the year

It’s a never-ending race to the end in the competitive and often expensive and illustrious industry that is Information Technology. In a first world country, there is no shortage of IT services and companies who have set themselves up as the best in the business. However, don’t be too quick to commit as it takes more than just a few fancy servers and a friendly, helpful call desk attendant for an IT company to have the right to your valuable business. In a market densely packed with confusing jargon, endless software and antivirus upgrades and costly hardware, one company who offers true value for investment, is Knowall IT Paddington. How do we know this? Its because Knowall IT is former winner of and now, nominated finalist of the West London Business Award 2020 for best business services company of the year.

In 2020, the Knowall IT team had their work cut out for them in successfully responding the vast increase in demand for cloud-based solutions and IT solutions suitable for our clients’ increased need to stay connected in a world locked down because of a different type of virus. Regardless to say, the Knowall IT team has never before refrained from accepting a challenge and so needed no encouragement to step up to meet the needs of their clients, no matter how unique their requirements were! As the Covid-19 virus spread throughout the country, Knowall IT had the goal of ensuring that while our clients may have been forced to lock down in their homes, their business would not suffer the same fate.

Current Knowall IT clients already making use of the many services provided, had little to do when it came to adapting to the new world working from home environments as their IT was already ready to meeting the challenge. Other clients came in search of high performance solutions and advice, which we are pleased to say, were seamlessly provided and implemented for each individual client and their users.

A challenge like no other faced in the experience of any living human, the IT Industry became the answer to every possible problem related to keeping businesses working 24/7. It was with absolute necessity that companies, who may have previously lagged behind on the IT front, be it due to financial restraints, or because of lack of knowledge as to the IT solutions available to them, soon had a crash course in how to make your life easier because of cloud-based IT solutions! In addition, due to the excessive capacity of impressive hardware that Knowall IT had invested in, resellers were able to piggy-back off the infrastructure which was already in place and onward proffer this same quality service to their clients, networking the “always up” ethos through the country and even abroad.

Knowall IT is a people and customer focused team of IT professionals who are more than just a voice on the other end of your mobile or landline. Knowall IT values their clients and choses to place their needs above all else.

DIY Marquees for all seasons

Marquees in summertime … what could be a more romantic venue for the perfect outdoor celebration, from baby showers to wedding, anniversaries to work functions, there is nothing that quite matches the allure of a marquee venue. Moving into the Autumn the marquee hiring for sale business may well become a little slower, especially in the UK. But as Winter comes, there are many ways for marquees to remain the quintessential destination venue for celebrations. With a few clever additions and adjustments to your basic DIY Marquee and how you use it, business could bloom well into the colder months of the year.

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DIY Marquees UK provides marquees and accessories that are designed especially to withstand the harsher seasons. With a variety of all year round, 4 season marquees available, there is definitely a marquee for all seasons. From traditional, romantic style marquees to green commercial marquees, Deluxe and Demi marquees, DIY Marquees boasts a spectacular array of features to fail-proof your marquee while ensuring the longevity of the marquee lives up to any UK Winter.

While it is common sense that some weather conditions simply mean that you cannot erect your marquee for fear of life and limb, DIY trusts that this same common sense will prevent clients from risking the integrity of these quality products. Floods, tycoons and other displays of Mother Nature’s greatness should never be taken lightly. However, a good solid rain fall never stopped a DIY marquee from standing tall and true which is mostly down to the superior quality of the products and materials which are used when creating our extensive range of marquees.

the deluxe diy marquee range

Why settle for 500gsm Rip-stop Duracoretex PVC when we can offer a 650gsm Rip-stop Duracoretex PVC Roofs and side panels for marquees with a roof top less than 90sqm. An excellent example of what we have on offer is the Deluxe Demi range that is excellent value for money and quality, for those who want the strongest, most durable and most impressive marquees. This specific is designed for easy use when standing against buildings or toilets. Wind-stop Velcro seals the panels securely preventing the cold from penetrating into the marquee, especially at night or late afternoon events where the weather may have turned. The core of our DIY marquees is a frame of steel pipe work preferred because of the superior strength of this material when compared to other popular materials used for marquee framework. Ground bars anchor the marquee with cross-bracing eaves providing that additional security against any Winter weather.

DIY Marquee experts can also offer you advice on how to set up your marquees in order to buffer against the weather and increase the innate strength of the marquee. Obviously you need to consider your marquee heating options to guard against the Winter chill and DIY Marquee professionals are happy to advise you on the best way to heat your marquee as well as the worst (and most dangerous) ways which must be avoided at all costs, so to ensure that safety always comes first. DIY Marquees now sells Indirect Marquee Heaters.

Lodge Brothers Legal Services are part of the Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors family of companies

The passing of a loved one can change your world in an instant. In one moment, everything is as it should be, and then within a heartbeat, it can all come crashing down. Sometimes we are prepared for the passing of our loved one in that we know it is coming but it does not take away the impact of that final moment when it actually happens. No matter how mentally prepared you may be, especially when a person has an illness for an extended period, there is always that sense of hope that things will be ok. When that call comes and hope dissolves, you need a support structure in place to help you navigate the unknown road ahead.

Video about Lodge Legal

Grieving loved ones, are advised to include, in their support system, a probate legal expert.

When it comes to the legalities associated with the end of life, Lodge Brothers Legal Services Probate Sunbury knows what is needed to the executor of an estate is responsible for the Probate Shepperton  process which authenticates a last will and testament of the deceased person.

Should the deceased have a will in place, Lodge Brothers Legal Services have the training and expertise required to facilitate the court-administered legal process of probate Feltham. Even more importantly, when an individual does not have a last will and testament, the process can become significantly more difficult. While families deal with the immense emotional grief which they must face when their loved one passes, Lodge Brothers Legal Services solicitors take care of the legal logistics.

There are 4 steps to the probate process. Firstly, the will, should there be one, has to be proved for authenticity. This is required to make sure that the Will is the most valid and latest version. In order for this to happen, a case is filed at the court. Once the court has validated the Will, the court will be in contact with the relevant beneficiaries and creditors. Before the beneficiaries can inherit assess indicated in the Will, creditors will need to be paid. Thus clearing all debts and outstanding taxes, so that the court can process the remaining assets as stipulated by the Will. At this stage there may be objections raised either as a result of complicated family dynamics or resulting from the process whereby all debts were settled. Should the debts out-weigh the assets, beneficiaries would not be advised and this may cause financial and emotions stress for the family. Should the estate be unaffected by the debtors payments, an inventory of the properties and other assets such as jewellery, furniture and other possessions. The assessment covers everything from bank accounts affected by joint-tenancy with rights of survivorship, to distinguishing between probate or non-probate assets and properties.

At the end of the Probate West Byfleet process the assets will be distributed according to the instructions found within the Will. The process of executing Probate Walton and closing an estate can be a long and difficult one and your Lodge Brothers Legal Services attorney will be available for consultation until such time as all details are legally finalised.


One thing that you can be guaranteed of when you engage with a Lodge Brothers Legal attorney is that you will receive the personal touch. Lodge Brothers Legal Services are affiliated with the Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors family of companies with a unique past. In operation for over 240 years, the Lodge Brothers managed to grow throughout the UK for 8 generations, making them the epitome of the family business. As part of the services offered to their client base which spans the breadth and length of the UK, Lodge Brothers looked to increasing their funeral director services, with that of legal Services specifically related to the needs of the families who came to them, to say goodbye to their loved ones.

The complimentary services included probate Guildford assistance, drawing up of Wills and preparing Lasting Power of Attorneys. The Lodge Brothers name is one which you will be familiar with and this is because they are placed conveniently across the country, meaning that you and your family may well have already had dealings with them. Lodge Brothers Legal attorneys have followed suit and offer each individual service with the personal touch that you come to expect from the brand.

If you turn to social media you will notice that there are many competitors in the industry but if you are looking for experts in the field, with an elevated knowledge of probate Ashford, in your local area, then it’s the Lodge Brothers Probate Feltham services that will benefit you’re the most. Being able to meet with your personal attorney face to face makes it easier to have all of your questions answered, and it will be far easier to reach your Probate attorney when the time comes for you that you may need to meet with them face to face. Having a local solicitor gives you peace of mind, knowing that you are able to contact their offices in person, at any time.Lodge Brothers Legal Services Fees Image

Lodge Brothers probate Shepperton has access to over 40 offices across a vast area in the UK stretching from Surrey, through Middlesex and into Berkshire allowing for face-to-face meetings in all of these areas. Should you prefer to contact your attorney through online options, that is always an equally possible alternative.

Offering 3 service levels to ensure affordability and adaptability, there is a suitable option for everyone. Chose Bronze level, where the application remains with the appointed Executor of the estate, however our Executors will help to prepare all probate forms and make the application at the probate registry. With the Silver Service level, appointed Executors remain responsible for registering the death with all asset holders. Executors will establish the assets and liabilities at date of death while we complete the probate papers, Inheritance tax forms and apply for the Grant.  Our attorneys will register the death certificate with the asset holders.

Choosing a Gold level service, Lodge Brothers probate Weybridge attorneys will ascertain the date of death assets, liabilities of the estate, complete all the probate papers, Inheritance Tax forms and apply for the Grant.

Lodge Brothers Legal Services is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Speak to us today by clicking here

Lodge Brothers the family your can turn to in times of need

Lodge BrothersTalk about household names which have become part of the furniture and you would certainly be thinking of Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors. Famous for their presence across the country for generation after generation of dedicated funeral directors, Lodge Brothers are part of the fabric of UK history. Take a minute now and think about your funeral and how you would like it to be. Not something that people do very often, but it is something that Lodge Brothers does every day and each and every one of the funeral directors, will take the time to ensure that the funeral that you are planning, be it your own (in advance) or that of another, is as unique and individual as the person who has gone before us.

Branch Image

Lodge Brothers began as a family business currently run by six members of the Lodge family who are seventh-generation funeral directors Hillingdon. While the current extended Lodge Family across the UK is not necessarily blood-related, the bonds between all of the funeral directors at lodge Brothers still run deep because of the shared heritage they have and because of the common goal that they share: this is to ensure that each person who crosses their doorstep knows that they are in safe hands and can rest assured that no detail will be overlooked. With so much experience and a deep love for what can only be called a vocation, Lodge Brothers’ funeral directors Ascot provides many options for the funeral which honours the memory of the deceased.

When it comes to paying for a funeral, there are several options provided. Knowing that funerals can be expensive especially if provisions have not been made for in advance, Lodge Brothers allows payment options via cheque, or cash, debit, and a credit card or by bank transfer. Payments can also be made via the bank account of the deceased. Assistance can also be sought from the department of work and pensions, which Lodge Brothers can assist you with. Or if required, the funeral can be financed in terms of an agreement with FCA regulated providers Funeral Safe Funeral Finance. To facilitate this, Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors are confirmed appointed representatives of Funeral Safe Ltd, independent Funeral Finance Lenders. Third-party fees and disbursements do need to be paid for within 48 hours of the funeral arrangements being confirmed, and the final funeral account invoice must be settled within 30 days of the funeral taking place. Lodge Brother will always provide a detailed breakdown of the associated expenses at the beginning of the process so that there are no surprises at the end of the day.

Families are able to apply for finance whilst arranging a funeral with Lodge Brothers’ funeral directors New Malden simply by enquiring with one of the appointed personnel to arrange to assistant with finance options who will be able to put you directly in contact with Funeral Safe. Should the application be successful you will be notified via text message and an email, containing the details of your loan agreement. The loan agreement can be accepted via a link in the email. Once the agreement is accepted, Lodge Brothers will be notified and will step in to ensure that all of the details of the funeral are attended to from then on.